Study on the use of age,
disability, sex, religion or
belief, race or ethnic origin
and sexual orientation in
financial services, in
particular in the insurance and
banking sectors
Project summary:
The European Commission contracted Civic Consulting to conduct a study on the use of age, disability, sex, religion or belief, race or ethnic origin, and sexual orientation in financial services, in particular in the insurance and banking sectors. The study analysed
the current practices of
financial service providers with
regard to the supply and design
of their products; the use of
factors such as age, disability,
and sex in risk assessment
and/or cost calculations; and
the access to these products for
different individuals. It also identified and analysed actual and potential problems of discrimination, as well as existing measures to prevent discriminatory practices and to ensure availability and affordability of financial products for all customers.
Client/Financing Institution:
European Commission, DG for
Employment, Social Affairs and
Equal Opportunities
main report
country reports