Study on the monitoring of the implementation of Directive 2006/52/EC as regards the use of nitrites by industry in different categories of meat products

Project summary:
The study on the monitoring of the implementation of Directive 2006/52/EC as regards the use of nitrites by industry in different categories of meat products led by Civic Consulting of the Food Chain Evaluation Consortium aimed to collect technological data about the need for nitrites and information on the use of nitrites in different types of meat products and meat preparations in the EU in view of exploring the possibility of reviewing the current maximum levels of nitrites as authorised in the legislation. Based on data collected through a literature review, a survey and an expert workshop conducted for this study, results indicate that there is a possibility to review the current maximum levels of nitrites authorised. This conclusion is consistent with the lower levels currently authorised in Denmark, as well as the previous experience in countries such as Finland or Germany, where stricter maximum levels were applied in the past.

Client/Financing Institution:
European Commission, Directorate-General for Health and Food Safety