Study to support the preparation of an evaluation of the General Product Safety Directive as well as of an impact assessment on its potential revision

Project summary:
This study was conducted by Civic Consulting for the European Commission. Its main objective was to provide the Commission with evidence and analysis to allow it to carry out an ex-post evaluation of the General Product Safety Directive (GPSD) and its practical application (Part 1 of the report) and, in view of the outcome of the evaluation, to carry out an impact assessment for a possible future revision aimed at addressing the shortcomings identified (Part 2 of the report). The GPSD requires that all consumer products placed on the EU market need to be safe. In order to guarantee the safety of products, the GPSD includes pre-market as well as post–market measures. Pre-market measures introduced by the GPSD include the standardisation process under the GPSD and legal responsibilities of businesses that place products on the market (including regarding safety and traceability). Postmarket measures include responsibilities of businesses, including the duty to recall products posing risks to consumers, as well as the responsibility of Member States to conduct market surveillance. The GPSD also establishes the EU Rapid Alert System (Safety Gate/RAPEX), which enables quick exchange of information between EU/EEA Member States and the European Commission on measures taken regarding dangerous non-food products posing a risk to consumers and other users. The GPSD applies to non-food consumer products for which no specific EU harmonised legislation exists (the so-called 'non-harmonised products' such as childcare articles, furniture, clothing etc.). It is also applicable to the safety aspects or risks of harmonised products (such as toys), to the extent that there are no specific provisions with the same safety objective in the EU harmonised legislation. In this way, the GPSD provides a “safety net” for consumers. This study builds on a recent report on the implementation of the GPSD in EU/EEA Member States, which is based on country analyses and interviews with market surveillance authorities (MSAs) in all countries. For the current study, an additional 60 interviews were conducted, including with companies and business associations, consumer organisations, and MSAs. Stakeholders were also consulted through an open public consultation (with 257 respondents concerning relevant questions on the review of the GPSD) and through four interlinked surveys targeting market surveillance and customs authorities, businesses and their associations, as well as consumer organisations and other stakeholders, both at the EU level and in Member States (with a total of 153 responses). The study is also based on relevant studies, data from Safety Gate/RAPEX, MSAs, Eurostat, WHO and EuroSafe, as well as case studies in EU and non-EU countries. In addition, several quantitative analyses of costs and benefits of the GPSD and its potential revision were conducted.

Client/Financing Institution:
European Commission, Directorate-General for Justice and Consumers

  View final report part 1 - Evaluation
  View final report part 2 - Impact assessment